Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010

Latihan Membuat File.GIF

Alhamdulillah,akhirnya bisa juga membuat file berekstensi.

  1. Sekedar contoh kita akan mencapture gambar di layar desktop.
  2. Tekan tombol Print Screen satu kali saja yang ada di keyboard.
  3. Buka progam paint yakni Start>All Programers>Accessories>Paint.
  4. Silakan pilih Edit>Paste>Save As.
  5. File(spasi)nama: misalnya di beri nama Capture Gambar Via Print Screen,
  6. PadaSave As Type,pilihlah ekstensi.GIF
  7. Biar aman,jangan langsung di save,namun di drive XC.
  8. Lali klik Browse Folders,klik tulisan Computer>XC>New Folders Name
  9. Lalu beri nama yang mudah di ingat.>Open>Save
  10. Selanjutnya bisa di upload ke blogspot anda sesuai prosedurnya.
  11. Agar file prosedurnya mudah dan cepat di Upload,maka di Wingsip.

Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

Chapter 1 Basis Operating System

Evaluation of chapter
1.      A. software
2. set computer software operations
3.      E. adobe photoshop
4.      E.waiting until the booting procedure finishes
5.      A.shut down
6.      C.choos  the delete buttom
7.      B.input device
8.      C.reset
9. start menu,select all programs,click Microsoft office,click Microsoft office 2007
10.  B.double-clicking excel shutcut
1. How to on a computer properly?
2. What do you know about the Reset button?
3. Name several ways  to open an application in windows Vista.
4. what is office Suite?Mention examples of office Suite.
5.Name several examples of application system that is comlatable with Windows Vista operating system.
1.      a. Ensure that all power cable in a computer are connected.
b. Turn on the CPU by pressing the On or Power button on the cassing.
c. Turn on the monitor by pressing the On or Power button on the monitor.
d. Wait until the booting procedure is finished, which is shown by the desktop appearance on the monitor screen.
        2. Reset button use if the computer chares or hangs or can not be shut down through the                standard procedure, use the “reset” button to restart the computer.
         3 .
a)     By using shortcuts on the desktop
b)     By using start menu
c)     By using the related document.
        4.    word processor (office suite)
            Word processor is software for documenting letters, books , reports, thesis, work papers, etc. for example , Microsoft office 2007,, and Abiword.
          5.    a. Word Processor
                 b. Graphi Suite
                 c. Web Browser
                 d. Multimedia